KYKKOS natural mineral water

In a lush green area in the western part of the Troodos mountain range, KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water was born in the heart of the Kykkos forest, where the beauty of nature has remained unchanged over time.

  • Kykkos PET 500 ml
  • Kykkos PET 1 Litre
  • Kykkos PET 1,5 Litre

Discover Our Campaigns

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KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water is distinguished for its strong social action on environmental issues, having undertaken numerous reforestation and tree planting projects in the Kykkos forest since 2013. Continuing the action we started in 2021 with the slogan "We give new life", we give priority directly to people, with our continued support for the work of the "Incubator of Love" Association, ensuring that support reaches all premature newborns in our country and their families.

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Kykkos Natural Mineral Water embraces premature babies and their families and strengthens the efforts of the "Incubator of Love" to give hope to every new life.

The Foundation is a continuation of the Cyprus Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Friends Association and is a non-governmental voluntary organization founded in 2011. Its goal is to raise awareness in society about prematurity and other causes that necessitate the hospitalization of a newborn in Intensive Care Units and to support newborns, their parents and the staff of the Units.

We are by their side.

Every year in Cyprus, approximately 800 premature babies are born and under truly difficult conditions, they begin their difficult journey through life.

This year's campaign focuses on this difficult journey, likening it to the struggle that the mythical Odysseus made to reach his Ithaca. The campaign is a statement from KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water that we understand the difficulties of these children and their families who are their companions. We promise that we are by their side, offering support to all those who give them strength on their journey.

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In the heart of the Kykkos forest, among the trees and nature, lies the KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water production plant. A plant that we modernized in 2011 and we invested in its upgrade with the aim of offering the highest quality, by implementing all modern hygiene and safety rules.

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In 2016, our plant was the first in the food and beverage sector in Cyprus to be recognized by the European Water Stewardship institution, which assesses and certifies sustainable water management practices. In 2021, the bottling plant of KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water was honored by the international certification body Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) with the highest Platinum certification for responsible water management. This came as a crowning recognition for the measures and procedures applied during the production process and the projects implemented in the wider area of ​​the factory.


The distinctions of Kykkos Natural Mineral Water

All that matters to us are our people, our forest, our facilities and our dedication to offering the best quality water to the public, ensuring its purity. These are what have given KYKKOS Natural Mineral Water international recognition with 21 distinctions in the last 7 years. Specifically, having received distinctions from 3 leading International Quality and Taste Organizations, the highest quality distinction "Grand Gold Award" from the International Quality Certification Body Monde Selection, the distinction "Superior Taste Award" from the International Taste Certification Body and the "Gold International Quality Award" from the International Quality Certification Body DLG.

Website Visual - Forest with bottles and awards Website Visual - Forest with bottles and awards